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NatureCo kicks off carbon capacity-building sessions in partnership with World Vision Australia

March 6, 2023

This month, NatureCo is thrilled to kick off our carbon capacity-building sessions in partnership with World Vision Australia. These virtual sessions have already had over 100 attendees from six countries across Africa and Asia, with a focus on supporting the development of nature-based carbon projects such as farmer-managed natural regeneration, tree planting, and cookstoves to be implemented by local communities.

Led by NatureCo Director of International Partnerships, Melanie Kaebernick, and Head of Technical Services, Dean Thomson, and hosted by Daniel Misson, Carbon Programming and Partnerships Manager at World Vision Australia, we believe that sessions like these are at the heart of developing long-term, high-integrity nature-based carbon projects: working directly with local people to establish skills in carbon project development and delivery, and to collaborate in a two-way process of information exchange.

Are you interested to find out more about NatureCo’s approach to capacity building and developing nature-based carbon projects with global partners? Contact Melanie Kaebernick, Director of International Partnerships at melanie.kaebernick@natureco.earth