Nature Co Positive Colour Logo - Nature Based Solutions - NatureCo

What We Do

Headquartered in Australia with specialists based around the world, NatureCo works with a global network of partners to deliver high-integrity, high-impact nature-based carbon projects in the Asia-Pacific, Africa, and Latin America.

NatureCo provides end-to-end capability to our implementation partners, multi-national clients, investors, governments, and NGOs.
We specialize in collaborative program design, feasibility assessments, project implementation, and all aspects of monitoring, reporting, and verification of nature-based solutions projects, as well as delivering training packages and capacity building programs together with our partners.

what we do

Nature-based Solutions

“Nature-based Solutions are actions to protect, sustainably manage, and restore natural and modified ecosystems that address societal challenges effectively and adaptively, simultaneously benefitting people and nature”- International Union for Conservation of Nature


NatureCo takes action on global issues through land and ecosystem restoration carbon projects, leading to enduring outcomes for people, nature, and climate

Biodiversity plantings

We restore threatened species’ habitats and high-value forest ecosystems working with local landholders and environmental NGOs.

Farmer-managed natural regeneration

We work with local farmers and global NGOs to undertake large-scale natural regeneration within agricultural landscapes.


We implement climate resilient agroforestry with local communities, reducing hardships by providing sustainable food sources and income opportunities.

Coastal mangroves

We restore critical mangrove ecosystems, protecting coasts, revitalizing our ocean nursery grounds, and establishing sustainable food security for local communities


Project Development and Implementation

Our expert team provides end-to-end delivery support for nature-based carbon projects, from early-stage concept development through to project implementation and carbon credit generation and sales.

What we do:

  • Project Identification Notes (PINs) for early-stage concepts
  • Project feasibility studies
  • Project registration (Project Description (PD) writing, stakeholder consultation, project validation)
  • Project implementation and management
  • Monitoring, reporting, verification support and credit generation

We do this by working in coordination with global NGOs, on-ground implementation partners, governments, and local communities, and support local project ownership and delivery of training programs.


Training and Capacity Building

Building the skills and capacity of local organisations to manage nature-based carbon projects and operate in global environmental markets is critical to scaling up action on climate change and biodiversity loss. It also ensures that the benefits of new jobs and increased incomes are equitably shared with local people.

Our capacity building program is designed to address local needs and knowledge gaps, and establish skills in carbon project development and delivery, including enabling identification of further projects.

What we do:

  • Skills audits and training needs assessments
  • Capacity building and training programs for all phases of the project lifecycle
  • Develop train-the-trainer packages
  • Provide templates, tools, and other resources to support the long-term management of projects


Program Design

Specializing in the design of global nature-based programs, we work in partnership with local NGOs and corporate investors to co-design large-scale, high impact programs specifically matched to investment goals, local context, and community needs.

What we do:

  • Country risk assessments and opportunity mapping for nature-based carbon project development
  • Investment criteria setting and project pipeline development
  • Bespoke program design matched to investment criteria and long-term emission reduction goals.


Project Financing and Investment

We connect investors with on-ground projects and people, from early-stage financing for feasibility studies to long-term project implementation funds in exchange for carbon credits, quantified emission reductions for insetting, and measured biodiversity and livelihood outcomes.

We work closely with our partners to build long-term connections and commitments between local implementation organizations and our global network of investors.

What we do:

  • Secure early-stage financing for project development and feasibility studies
  • Match local community projects to national and global investors
  • Negotiate commercial terms to ensure equitable benefit sharing arrangements
  • Support carbon credit sales and revenue distribution
  • Quantify biodiversity and livelihood outcomes.

Want to know more?

Get in touch with NatureCo today to find out more about how we can work together.